
Project Methodology for Small/ Medium Business

QUICKStart Process Flow  diagram
QuickStart process  diagram image


Our expert consultants will engage with the relevant staff within your organisation to determine exactly what issues you are trying to solve and why an investment in Cloud Technology may be worth considering. We focus on mapping business processes and solving difficult business issues along the way, through the clever use of technology.


Configuring, customising and developing systems while constantly engaging with your business to ensure that the system fits your requirements and succeeds, based on your business processes.


We will use samples of your data to help you prepare for importing it into the CRM, showing you how to cleanse the data into the right format using purpose-built templates. We focus on data integrity and ensuring the transition to the new system is as smooth as possible.


Preparing online training material, then providing one-on-one and group training sessions onsite or via webinars. We also continue to review the system and work with your business to fine tune the system

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